Review: Nichido Final Powder

Hello there! For today, I will review about Nichido Final Powder. It is a loose powder good for final touches on your makeup. I purchased the Ivory Glow variant, because the SA told me that it best suits my skin tone.

So let's start:

Price: ♥♥♥♥♥

For a budget conscious girl like me, this one's a keeper. For a 25g product, your 150 pesos is worth it. You can buy this in any leading department stores. I got mine at Watson's SM Clark.

Packaging: ♥♥♥♥

The packaging is the same as other loose powders in the market. It is quite sturdy for a plastic because mine was dropped in a few times already, but no signs of cracks and damage. But the glitch here is that it only comes with a puff for application, I threw it away because it's no use. I just use my Kabuki Brush.

Its Promise: ♥♥♥♥♥

I lost the cardboard that was attached with this product but as far as I can remember it says "It will highlight your face with soft sheer" and that is what intrigued me. As you can see on the photo below, it really blended my skin very well and I love it. 

Personal Experience : ♥♥♥♥

♥ Blends easily ( I apply this after I use my liquid foundation)
♥ Inexpensive
♥ True to its promise
♥ Available everywhere
♥ No strong smell

♥ I got breakouts on my first week of using this product
♥ I get oily again after 3 to 4 hours

Will I recommend it? Yep. yep! Especially to girls who are in a budget like me :D

Will I repurchase? Prolly yes! Because I love inexpensive but good products

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Gellie Abogado said...

I've used this final powder for months before I shifted to a new one. Ngayon naman I'm using a loose powder from LA Colors :)


Marrien said...

Thank you for dropping by Gellie.. Do you have a review ba nung loose powder from LA Colors? care to share? thanks..


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