Wedding Preps: Pre-nup Shoot Pegs

Hello there lovely readers of my blog. For today, I will post something about our wedding preparations. Last Sunday we met with our good friends Noemi and Joel at Perfect Loaf Angeles City to grab a merienda. This is the first time we met after the proposal that is why we are so excited to see them. They are our good friends since college days and we call them our "Couple Best Friends". Anyhoo, after merienda, we went to Jong and Raquels's home. They are our newly wedded couple friends. We cooked tofu and drank tequila.

While we were chatting, they asked us when are we going to shoot our "Freenup". We told them by mid August and they are asking us what do we like for our engagement shoot. Joel even suggested walking under the rain shoot since it is the rainy season (I like! >.<) So to make our lives easier, I collected some of the best pre-nuptial photos over the net.

There you go :)

What do you think of our pegs? Please comment your suggestions and reactions.
 I would love to read them :) Credits go to all Photographers. 

Don't forget to join my giveaway HERE.

1 comment:

benilhalk said...

These are really good. Very creative and sweet! We’re getting married next year in April at one the best Seattle Wedding venues, and we are planning our pre-wedding shoot as well. This is quite a good reference for the photographer. I want to it to be causal and fun. Thanks and, happy holidays!

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