Yay for Us!

It's been a great weekend for me. But i really really hate myself for not bringing my digicam again! :( but i got lotsa nice goodies this weekend and i'll post the pics tomorrow maybe,. so what happened last night ( Saturday ), met up with our good friends noemi and joel and went to marquee mall. we're so disappointed because they have early closing time but people are still there because it's Sale. :( We just hope that they will have little consideration because people are still enjoying the sale. :) Then we just went to Bruno and Diego grill to Dine. We love the ambiance and the food! Gahhh.. i'm still sad coz i did not bring my cam ! oh well then we had our never ending chika and ofcourse our regular "joke time" . so corny! i really love them!
then today me and Hon went to marquee mall again. just brought my younger brother with us and we ate at Mang Inasal.! :) im sooo random today. :)
i'll post again tomorrow.! love love

p.s Thanks guys for reading my blog!really appreciate it.! i love you all!

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