#weekbackup: First FOTD evah!

Hello there lovelies :) How's your week so far? I know the weather is so bad. What keeps you busy right now? Well me? I am practicing my makeup skills. I have numerous makeup products that my family and friends gave me, but I am such a noob. That is why, I am spending my time watching makeup gurus in YouTube.

So here is my first FOTD ever! :) Don't hate just appreciate :)

For the base, I used Avon Simply Pretty BB Cream, then to set the BB Cream, I used Nichido Final Powder. For my eyeshadow I just used neutral shades of brown and bronze from this palette from Saudi Arabia. The colors are so pigmented, the reason why most Arab girls have nice color in their eyes. Then highlighted my brow bone with a white eyeliner pencil. I have mono eyelids that's why the black gel liner is not obvious. haha. I used Mac Gel Eyeliner to line my upper and lower lash line. I used Nichido Mineral Brow Pencil for my brows. For my cheeks I used this peachy blush from Japan which my friend gave me. For my lips, I used Human Nature lip balm in Chocolate and for my lippie I used the Face Shop Blacklabel Lip Color.

I also joined this Search for The House of K Ambassador and tomorrow will be the judgement day. I hope I'll win because if yes, this will be my first big break here in Blogsphere. :)
You can read my post here.

I launched my blog giveaway last July 30. If you haven't joined yet, you can join here

And my Firmoo giveaway will end soon so join now!!! :) Click here to join.

So basically that's it. My week is finished :) I will not go out tonight. Yeah I know it's Saturday night. But tomorrow will be a long day for us. Will go to church, lunch with fiance's family, then head home, then our first engagement shoot session with friends and at night dinner and meet up with friends. I love Sundays!  I somehow enjoyed my week. These coming weeks will be tougher because we will arrange everything that we need to finish regarding our upcoming wedding. Oohhh.. The idea of me getting married is still giving me shivers. Well I'm getting random here ;)

So how about you lovely people? How was your weekend so far? I would love to hear how you spent your weekend. :)

I was inspired to write this post because of my blogger friend here: Noor

Noor's Place

Thanks for reading! See yah! :*


Noor Unnahar said...

Oh girl , you look pretty cute with this look . I love Arabic style shades .
Noor @ Noor's Place

babbledoll said...

Thank you for dropping by Noor. :) yes, i love them too. Because they are highly pigmented and the colors are vibrant :)

2justByou said...

Haven't tried the MAC gel liner, so how do you like it? I am visiting from Noor's #WeekBackup! =0) And now following via GFC and bloglovin.

~Kim from 2justByou

Shayne♥ said...

oooh must be nice to plan a wedding :) congrats! <3 and good luck on the contest. also like on your flawless complexion and skills on using a gel liner. im so bad with gel liners haha :D

Angela said...

Cute FOTD! Your blog is super pretty.

Would appreciate if you checked out my blog


Seryna Veng said...

Your makeup looks lovely! Don't worry, we all have to start somewhere huh? and nice giveaway :D I'll def check it out

By the way I'm running a giveaway on my blog! If you're interested the link is: http://stopmotionwords.blogspot.co.nz/2013/07/international-giveaway-to-celebrate-200.html ♥

babbledoll said...

Hello there thank you for dropping by :) The Mac liner is a breeze to you and it's very economical. You should try it :) Good luck,

will follow you back :)

babbledoll said...

Yeah it's fun but stressful and tiring. XD anyhoo, i wish my face is flawless like this in person. hehe..Gel liners are easy to use, pero nothing beats the good ol' pencil liners.. hehe. :)

babbledoll said...

Thank you :))

Oh btw, I followed you on GFC :)

babbledoll said...

Hello Seryna. Thank you so much for appreciating. hehe.. I know I can do better soon. hihi :) Yep I'll check your blog thank you :)

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