Wedding Preps: Freenup Part 2

One sunny Sunday afternoon, 1st day of September, we met our good friends because it is our scheduled Engagement Shoot part 2. :) You can view our first Prenup HERE We are so happy because the sun is so bright thus the lighting is perfect.. Our first stop for the shoot is Magalang, Pampanga. Magalang is one greenest place in Pampanga and it has a great view of Mt. Arayat.

The photos are really beautiful right? Do you agree with me? We have thousands of photos and I can't upload them all here. Hihi. Our next stop is Clark,Pampanga. We stopped by an abandoned building near Widus and there are Aetas who live there. It is already cloudy when we reached the place and when we arrived it suddenly rained. Warning: Photos are for 18+ only. SPG. haha, Just kidding.

Daring huh? We had soo much fun doing these shoots. Our friends are the best. Really.
And our last stop is SM Clark.

Our friends are talented huh? :) We are truly blessed <3 Comments and Suggestions.. hihi


Shayne♥ said...

aw cute pics :) congrats again ^^

Jo-an Victorio said...

I like your dress♥ Congrats! Want to see more soon!

Loving it!♥

Gellie Abogado said...

Cute shots in the rain! And you guys are so sweet. You look so cute together! :)


RetroStreetStation said...

Wow beautiful shots! So lovely <3

I was wondering if we could follow each other. It would be great, just let me know :)

babbledoll said...

thank you so much for dropping by :) Followed you on Bloglovin and GFC :)

babbledoll said...

Thanks gellie :) We had an awesome time shooting those photos :)

babbledoll said...

Thank you! Yes :) I will post more soon.. still editing.. hihi :)

babbledoll said...

Thank you Shayne :)

Mizu said...

Totally love this! Hope you post more up! You guys are so adorable together! :)

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