New Beginning!!!

Hello Lovely readers ... Do I still have you? haha. Anyway I'm Back!!! After a year long of being on hiatus! I am back. It's good to be back! I've been MIA (missing in action) for a year because I was so busy adjusting with the married life. Oh by the way! I reverted my wedding post to draft because the photos are not showing and I don't know the problem .. hmm.. But I'll fix it soon. I just need more time to sort things out..

I have so much in store for you guys. I have product reviews lined up, DIYs and other kakikayan and kachikahan.. hehe, Well I'm still busy though, juggling life as a wife and working with my small business which is a souvenir and print shop. I am also the woman behind The Pink Paper Box, a monthly subscription box that caters all stationery and planner goodies. I will be telling more about this in the future.

What else? hmmm.. Married life is soooo wonderful yet challenging. I am now very comfortable.. haha. I will share more next time I promise :) I promise to post more often too! Yes for real :)
So yeah! thank you for dropping by!

The reason why photos in my blog were missing because the photo hosting site that I used before is gone :( It's so frustrating!!!

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