OOTD: 07.26.13

Top: America Eagle
Pants: BNY Jeans, All leading department stores 
Shoes: Mendrez 
Bag: Michaela
Bracelet: Forever21


Shayne♥ said...

i love your pose on this pic marrien it reminds me of miranda kerr! she does this on a lot of her photos :D i also nominated you for a Liebster award, hope you can come over my blog to check it out. :)

Gellie Abogado said...

Very casual and comfy outfit yet you still look gorgeous! Love, love the bag! :)


babbledoll said...

Hi Gellie :) Thanks for dropping by .. :)

babbledoll said...

Thanks for the compliment shayne :) Yay! I love Miranda Kerr.. hihi.. I'm flattered .. and Thank you so much for nominating me :) *kilig girl here* :)

Www.plumpysindulgences.blogspo said...

You are so pretty even in just top and jeans!!!! :-)

babbledoll said...

Aww. . Thank you so much :)

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